School Refusal Interventions

Breaking The School Refusal Cycle in Teens

Our Academic Program Helps Break The School Refusal Cycle

In our experience students who are struggling with school refusal feel they cannot succeed in school or have challenges they cannot overcome. Perhaps there are specific struggles in a subject, bullying, or overall challenges to learn in a large academic environment with traditional methods. So, they refuse school altogether.

Many families are concerned about the academic and overall path their child is on. Trails provides a wonderful opportunity to alter this course of school refusal and academic failure. With success, your child can meet his/her potential and see a brighter future that includes graduating high school, attending college, and finding a career as an adult that might be hard to imagine right now.

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With our small, individualized lesson plans focused on differential and experiential learning, we help students experience success and the feeling of accomplishment that accompanies it. We are not an intensive academic boarding school. Instead, we provide a targeted approach to help students start the path to academic success and break school refusal patterns.

This targeted approach helps students begin to believe they can succeed and continue to build a “library” of experiences to reinforce that belief, turning them away from school refusal. That belief, in turn, fuels action by students that haven’t been achieving in a traditional school setting.

Our Experiential Academic Approach

help for troubled youth

We combine experiential, hands-on, learning and an individualized learning environment that recognizes different learning types. Our classes are typically far more interactive than in a traditional school setting with key lessons and knowledge reinforced in creative ways outside the classroom. As students achieve success in one area at Trails we find that helps them achieve confidence in other areas as well.

Our academic approach helps reverse the downward spin so many of our students are on.

We take advantage of the immersion nature of our program which allows us to integrate topics taught in academics in a variety of other ways throughout a given day. In turn, the lessons and experiences our students have in other aspects of our program also become applicable in many of their academic lessons as well.

The integrated experience your child will have at Trails helps them experience success across a variety of modes and teaches them to take responsibility and control for the results they produce. This success reduces school refusal challenges for life after Trails.

92% of families with students ages 14-17 that initially reported being disobedient in school observed improvements in behavior between starting Trails Carolina and one year post-graduation.
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Trails saved my daughter’s life. Amanda is an amazing human and a brilliant therapist. I am so grateful to her, Science Steve, and the other wonderful people who could reach my daughter at a time when I could not.

Margot Lowman August 2022

Great life changing experience for our son. After becoming addicted to gaming during covid he was very depressed. At Trails he experienced the wilderness, Science Steve, learning survival skills and top notch therapy and support etc… I highly recommend! This gave our son and our family a renewed family bond full of love and excitement about his bright future.

Winnifred Wilson July 2022


Outstanding clinical work and superb staff! There’s a great culture at this company and it shows with how they engage with families/clients.

Kristin Brace June 2022