Exercise and Mental Health

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Not every person can tolerate modern psychotropic medications intended to treat many of these psychological conditions. At least 20% of people cannot tolerate medications for allergies or other reasons. Because of that, finding alternative solutions that can be adjusted to personal treatment plans is important. Exercise has many health benefits for both mind and body.…

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Rock Climbing Improves Mental Health for Students at Trails Carolina

mental benefits of rock climbing

As the seasons turn, so do our adventure programming opportunities in Western North Carolina. The cool weather creeping in makes for ideal climbing conditions, and Trails’ students will be headed out for rock climbing. Climbing provides an engaging opportunity for our students to work on their confidence, communication, and cooperation. How Rock Climbing Works Rock…

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Why Does Wilderness Adventure Therapy Work?

wilderness program for families from Tennessee

The sun is beginning to set over the ridge of the Appalachian Mountains. Hues of rose, saffron and magenta streak across the winter sky as the sun begins to set. The temperature is dropping and you know you need to set up your tent or you’ll have to face the natural consequences of your actions.…

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What to Do When Wilderness Therapy Comes to an End

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One of the biggest struggles for a family with a troubled teen, beyond making the decision to send their teen to a wilderness therapy program, residential treatment center, or therapeutic boarding school, is the transition the entire family has to make once the program comes to an end. The experience of spending time in the…

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Teenagers with Depression Learn Coping Strategies Through Wilderness Therapy

If your teen has lost desire to hang out with friends, has difficulty concentrating or remembering, loses appetite, or can’t seem to go to sleep at night, you may write it off as normal teenage behavior. However, if these or other anti-social behaviors continue for any length of time, it may indicate a more serious issue. Teenagers with depression are often times categorized as “just going through changes” or being “overly hormonal,” but when the sadness and retraction do not go away within a few weeks, it is more likely your teenager is suffering from depression and may not know how to cope.

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