Exercise and Mental Health

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Not every person can tolerate modern psychotropic medications intended to treat many of these psychological conditions. At least 20% of people cannot tolerate medications for allergies or other reasons. Because of that, finding alternative solutions that can be adjusted to personal treatment plans is important. Exercise has many health benefits for both mind and body.…

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Rock Climbing Improves Mental Health for Students at Trails Carolina

mental benefits of rock climbing

As the seasons turn, so do our adventure programming opportunities in Western North Carolina. The cool weather creeping in makes for ideal climbing conditions, and Trails’ students will be headed out for rock climbing. Climbing provides an engaging opportunity for our students to work on their confidence, communication, and cooperation. How Rock Climbing Works Rock…

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Wilderness Therapy Programs For Middle School Students

wilderness therapy programs for middle school

Adolescence is a significant period of emotional development, where the therapeutic needs of middle schoolers are different from the needs of high schoolers. Teachers understand this and apply different techniques in the classrooms, so why shouldn’t wilderness programs? Currently, Trails Carolina is the only wilderness therapy program for middle school students in the country with…

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Having Fun While Healing: Therapeutic Activities for Teens

therapeutic activities for teens

The wonderful part of therapy is that it is not a “one size fits all” practice. And while the word therapy often conjures images of couches or circles of people sitting in meeting rooms, there are actually many ways for teens to engage in therapeutic activities. Therapy doesn’t always have to involve a therapist and…

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Wilderness Therapy for Teen Boys: How Rock Climbing Can Help Teens Struggling with Behavioral Issues

rock climbing therapy

I work with adolescent boys who are often struggling with issues like substance use, technology addiction, depression or anxiety. Many of these issues lead to additional struggles in the classroom. I work with many students who are “thrill-seekers”. Thrill-seeking students show up in the classroom distracted, bored, and ready to leave the classroom. They may…

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Why Does Wilderness Adventure Therapy Work?

wilderness program for families from Tennessee

The sun is beginning to set over the ridge of the Appalachian Mountains. Hues of rose, saffron and magenta streak across the winter sky as the sun begins to set. The temperature is dropping and you know you need to set up your tent or you’ll have to face the natural consequences of your actions.…

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