Wilderness Therapy

Wilderness Therapy Creates Positive Change in the Brain

wilderness therapy
Experiences in nature decrease negative thoughts In a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers led by Gregory Bratman from Stanford University found a link between positive thinking and nature. It only took a 90-minute stroll through some greenery to elicit a change in the way people were thinking. Those who…
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How Wilderness Therapy Aids Youth Development

From the ages 10 to 17, your son or daughter will experience some of the most formative stages of youth development. Piaget’s cognitive development theory states this as a time when reasoning becomes focused and logical and teens begin to develop the ability to think abstractly. They will attempt to understand the world and themselves. These…
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Nature Therapy for Teens: An Escape from Technology

technology addiction
In current times it seems as though everyone is behind a piece of technology. From cell phones, to tablets, to laptops and more, it has almost become more common to walk into a room and see screens instead of faces. If you were to introduce these devices to a crowded room of talkative teenagers, the…
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The Better Alternative to Summer Boot Camps for Teens

summer boot camps for teens
Any parent with a troubled teen has been where you are. At their wit’s end, not knowing how they got here in the first place and unsure of what steps to take next. You know your teen needs help beyond what you can offer, but you don’t know what that help should look like. What…
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Tips for Parenting Troubled Teens

Parenting troubled teens can be a difficult endeavor no matter who you are. Parenting a troubled teen, however, can present its own unique set of challenges. Before things get out of hand, here are a few warning signs that might indicate your teen is on a path for troubled behavior. Changes in mood and temperament Yes,…
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Wilderness Therapy Programs Develop Teens Personally and Socially

In this day and age, there seems to be so much negativity surrounding teens and their use of technology. Study after study shows the decline in social skills and face-to-face interactions of today’s generation of teenagers. But, is their technology-driven communication really that bad for them? The positive aspects of technology New research points out…
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Experiential Therapy Gets Teens Talking

You already have a difficult enough time getting your teen to talk, so what more could be achieved through a therapy session that revolves on your teen’s willingness to talk? With more teens struggling to connect with their peers and adults, communication skills are a great need in today’s society. For a teen that does…
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Why Does Wilderness Adventure Therapy Work?

wilderness program for families from Tennessee
The sun is beginning to set over the ridge of the Appalachian Mountains. Hues of rose, saffron and magenta streak across the winter sky as the sun begins to set. The temperature is dropping and you know you need to set up your tent or you’ll have to face the natural consequences of your actions.…
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Teaching Anger Management for Children

Though hard to believe, children have a lot to be angry about. They’re old enough to know what they want, but too young to always get what they want. Their curiosity and inexperience make them want to try everything, but they might not always succeed. Many emotions and circumstances are completely new, so they do…
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Troubled Youth Programs Can Help Teens Struggling with Panic & Anxiety Disorders

An angry teenage girl screaming in a black and white photo. Get disruptive mood dysregulation disorder treatment.
In the face of danger, your body automatically has a response: face it head on with everything you have or quickly escape from the threat. Simply, it’s called fight-or-flight. Though this instinct is extremely helpful in saving your life in the presence of actual danger, these feelings can also come up without a current, obvious…
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