
Breaking manipulative cycles: Three signs you have a manipulative teen

Teenagers are naturally equipped with the art of manipulating their parents to cover their mess and get what they want. However, it is crucial to the overall health of the family and your teen to be on guard to a manipulative teen. Signs of a manipulative teen Many experts agree that a manipulative teen manipulates…
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Wilderness Therapy Creates Positive Change in the Brain

wilderness therapy
Experiences in nature decrease negative thoughts In a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers led by Gregory Bratman from Stanford University found a link between positive thinking and nature. It only took a 90-minute stroll through some greenery to elicit a change in the way people were thinking. Those who…
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More than an American Dream: Benefits of family dinners

family dinners
In today’s hectic world, it’s hard to get two minutes to talk to your children, let alone an entire meal’s worth. We live in a “grab n’ go” world where teens head from school straight to their extracurriculars which may last until after dinner time. Because of this, family dinners have kind of become a…
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Keira Knightley and Therapists: Beating the Stigma in Mental Health

At a party, you’re talking with a friend about what’s going on in their life. Suddenly, their tone becomes hushed and they say, “I’ve gone to see a therapist recently for the problem I’m having.” Why did your friend feel the need to talk about going to see a therapist in hushed tones? Probably because…
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School Refusal in Teens

Teen sitting on a school bus.
“I don’t want to go to school! You can’t make me!” These are all too familiar words for most parents who have children who dislike school or don’t want to go for other reasons. For some, the issue of school refusal can be solved by getting teens involved in extracurricular activities that they are passionate…
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Nutrition Basics and Teen Mental Health

Food, water and shelter: before all else, these are our most basic human needs. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (visual diagram located to the left), without this foundation of physical safety and wellness, we cannot progress and gain mental, emotional and social health. For teen mental health, all of these needs are truly essential.…
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Teen Mental Health and Exercise

Everyone knows that keeping yourself physically fit requires a certain amount of weekly exercise, but what about keeping yourself mentally fit? Exercise has been proven to improve general mental and physical wellness, yet not many people are aware of this. Teen mental health and exercise are interwoven, meaning that it’s important to motivate your child…
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8 Tips for Parenting a Struggling Teen

If your struggling teen is having behavioral problems, or is going through any kind of struggle it’s important to confront the issue at hand. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to take care of your child – but sometimes that can be a near impossible task. Below are some tips to manage your struggling teen:…
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Teens Dealing With Divorced Parents: How You Can Help

When parents divorce, home life can become tumultuous, strange and extremely difficult to deal with, especially for teenagers who feel as if they have lost their sense of “family” while having to balancing the personal, social and academic aspects of their lives. Dealing with divorced parents can drastically change a teen’s mental health and social…
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Overcoming Fears at a Wilderness Camp for Troubled Youth

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Do one thing every day that scares you.” Fear, though unpleasant at times, is powerful. When we are threatened, whether the threat is real or perceived, our body is ready to respond. The brain instructs the body to increase blood flow, escalate heart rate and calculate an exit strategy. Fear can…
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