Safety Last: The Dangers of Teen Vaping

teen vaping

In the 21st century, hardly anyone would argue that cigarettes and tobacco are bad. A widely acknowledged fact, the dangers of smoking have led to tobacco regulation. Unfortunately, however, there is a new criminal on the streets: teen vaping. Unlike regular cigarettes, e-cigarettes have a rather “harmless” reputation. Since they do not contain tobacco, many…

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Finding a Balance: Tips for Parenting Struggling Teens

parenting struggling teens

Raising a child is both the most rewarding, most natural thing in the world – and the most difficult one. There isn’t a family in the world that hasn’t had at least one major fight. Moreover, pushing boundaries is a perfectly normal part of growing up. Testing limits allows a child to assert their individuality…

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No Fighting! Tips for Resolving Conflicts with Your Teen

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Arguments are a natural part of life. Growing up virtually requires an occasional fight or two. Testing boundaries is a way to discover one’s own identity; however, when these fights become a regular occurrence, there may be a problem. Even in the darkest of moments, there are several tips to keep in mind when resolving…

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Natural Healing: Benefits of Choosing a Therapeutic Wilderness Program for Your Child

therapeutic wilderness program

There are many types of therapy. Most approaches, however, focus on alleviating the immediate symptoms – and, once the symptoms have been hidden by any means necessary, the person is declared healthy. Unfortunately, the initial cause of the problem is still there, unaltered, waiting for an opportunity to strike. At a therapeutic wilderness program, however,…

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